there are 4 new mission lines for the new mondara shear. If you dont have one get a JE buddy to wormhole you ... your gonna need it !
1. go see Ravenlock at Kailassa station and get her initial line , this allows you to build the key to get into the shear over in Tarsis.
2/ Markus Kahn at the station in Tarsis gives you another new mission line / a lot of exploring etc... do Kahns missions until he says go see Vinda................ but DONT (not yet)........ go to step 3
3/Go and kill a few level 38 leviathans until you get " lvl1 military orders data disc " to drop " looks like a cd" take this to Var on the station in Tarsis where he will then give you the MOBIUS DICK mission (far northeast of map @ approx x91 y56 z-25
4/ After all that go see vinda for the next mission line (you will need a tazeron hexagon of each color to finish this mission ) you do not get anything for it except xp ... but its a pre-requsite for when the universal key mission comes out.When you return to Vinda after first step give her the answer that does not mention Var.
Big thankyou to Armo