Heres the current list of ranks... After our meeting today i will assign certain people to a Ensign rank, this will be based on time in our guild, what they have brought to the guild and its members. I will expect these Officers to set the example and be there for everyone in the guild, to help when help is needed, to solve issues when needed. The chain of command will work from one Admiral which will be me, Commodore's, Capt's, Commander's, Lieutenant's and Ensign's. From Recruit on up to Master Chief will be for the general guild members to work their way up to Ensign. only one person will be able to promote, that will be me and only when voted on with the other officers. To start off with ALL Officers will start at Ensign and work their way up the ladder to prove thierselves worthy thru thier deeds and dedication to the guild. We will have Structure brought back to our Guild Today for the betterment of the Guild and its members. I beleive we still have the best Guild on server and plan on making it better and more fun and with the help of these new Officers this will happen.
Petty Officer
Master Chief
How this will work for those that have a higher rank then Ensign in game .....They will be asked to do the "/leave guild command" and then get a Reinvite and promotion to Ensign.