I suspect there might some bugs in guild listing rankings since a new founder was elected; Or I might be wrong.
I've seen some unfamiliar names (not sure who they are) getting promoted and some familiar names (whom I'm not sure if Ice promoted them or is it due to suspected bugs) also promoted.
I know people are busy in real life or playing other games. If you have a little bit of time, just help me confirm who these guys are (since most of the older guildmates, I don't know them) or if their ranks are correct:
Disdain - Captain (No clue who's this)
Vaako - Captain (No clue who's this)
Jarpw - Captain (No clue who's this)
Combatwombat - Captain (Unsure if this is Prre or not)
ZodmerkinTE - Captain (No sure if Ice or someone promote him, since this isn't his main)
Only toons that I've touched are Combatwombat and Fieldmedic since previously there's an incident which weird promotions occurred to a guildmate to Admiral for no reason.
Just taking precaution measures there, kindly don't misunderstand me. Not sure who's Combatwombat (might be Prre) and Fieldmedic is inactive.
No offense to Zod either. Notice I only check on Captains and above since they can amend motd etc.
Also, if I may suggest, I recommend Prre keep a listing people who's able to access to guild mules/banks. If you check who's Founder now, you will know why I made this suggestion LOL. While there's pros and cons having this new founder feature, I think it's best we do our part to keep it safe and untouchable.
Thanks for your time.